As a child, I had no obvious visual references for embodiments of queerness. As an adult artist, I insert LGBTQIA+ bodies into fictive environments composited from historical imagery to emphasize parallels with our contemporary sociopolitical issues, and to link queerness to a historical past. I create portraiture with the intention of making complex relationships between the viewer and the subject, in which there is a healthy ambiguity surrounding “artist intent”.
My artworks are “staged” through the process of layering my original photographic and hand-rendered imagery with stock photography and digital textures through Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Illustrator. I utilize screen printmaking techniques onto paper and/or vellum, in a final output of 2-3 prints per image. Final prints are then embellished with hand-applied media, including: ink, gouache, pastel, acrylic, collage/assemblage and/or enamel.